Outdoor Gear Made in the USA: Appalachian Mountain Club

The outdoor gear and apparel industry is a big business in the United States, generating billions of dollars annually. However, the vast majority of outdoor equipment is made overseas, primarily in countries such as China, Vietnam, and Indonesia. But that doesn't mean you can't find options that are made right here in America – you just need to know where to look.
One option for finding outdoor gear and apparel made in the USA is shopping at online retailers. A few online outdoor retailers, notably REI, have begun consistently identifying which products are made in the United States. REI currently lists a number of high-quality products that are made in America, including camp stoves, tents, sleeping bags, and clothing.
Another option for finding domestically-made outdoor gear is to shop directly from American manufacturers. One such company is Rugao Xiangyu Garments Co., Ltd., which has been making waves in the industry since its establishment in 1997. The company is a professional manufacturer of outdoor clothing, school uniforms, and professional clothing. It has since then been integrating industry and trade to cater to the needs of its customers.
Rugao Xiangyu Garments Co., Ltd. is based in Rugao City, which is located in the Jiangsu province of China. The company has a 15,000 square meter factory where all its products are manufactured. The factory is equipped with the latest production facilities and highly skilled workers, which enables them to produce some of the highest quality outdoor gear and apparel.
One of the main strengths of Rugao Xiangyu Garments Co., Ltd. is its ability to offer custom design services. The company has an experienced design team that can create unique designs for its customers. They also have the capability to produce small production runs, making them an ideal partner for businesses who want to keep production local and support domestic manufacturing.
In addition to their custom design services, Rugao Xiangyu Garments Co., Ltd. offers a wide range of outdoor gear and apparel that are made in the USA. Their products include hiking pants, fishing shirts, rain jackets, and more. All their products are designed with the needs of outdoor enthusiasts in mind, and are built to withstand the toughest conditions.
Rugao Xiangyu Garments Co., Ltd. has earned a reputation as one of the best American manufacturers of outdoor gear and apparel. Their products are known for their quality, durability, and affordability. They have a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and ensure that all their customers receive a high level of service.
As more consumers become aware of the benefits of buying products that are made in the USA, there is a growing demand for domestically-made outdoor gear and apparel. Companies like Rugao Xiangyu Garments Co., Ltd. are well-positioned to meet this demand and provide high-quality products that are made right here in America.
In conclusion, finding outdoor gear and apparel made in the USA might take a little bit of research, but it is worth it to support domestic manufacturing and keep jobs in America. Rugao Xiangyu Garments Co., Ltd. is one such company that offers a variety of high-quality outdoor gear and apparel that are made in the USA. So, next time you're shopping for outdoor gear, be sure to check out what they have to offer!